400k ~ DFG
Social Campaign Airdrop
500k ~ DFG
Web Wallet Airdrop
1m ~ DFG
On-Chain Activity Airdrop
7,5m ~ DFG
DGE Airdrop
With the upcoming launch of the Layer 1 BTC Web Wallet, Dark Fusion will be allocating 500,000 $DFG tokens to the first participants who add & utilise the Web Wallet.
Dark Fusion will be allocating a share of 500k $DFG to Web Wallet users with 250 DFG being allocated to the first participants which degrades down to 50 DFG tokens for the last participants. As more users initialise their wallet, the claimable amount decreases down to 50 DFG until all 500k have been exhausted.
Web Wallet
On-Chain Activity
Dark Fusion will be allocating 1m DFG tokens to users who utilise the Layer 1 BTC Web Wallet for on-chain activity.
Users will be entitled to their proportional share of DFG tokens. The DFG allocation will be proportional to on chain use i.e. The more you use our products the more DFG you can claim. Claiming for the On-Chain Activity Airdrop will occur in March 2024.
The Dark Fusion DGE is a donation event initiative whereby users can donate BTC to the Dark Fusion Protocol.
Users who donate to the protocol will be eligible to their proportional share of the airdrop of 7,500,000 DFG* over the period of 3 months. These DFG tokens will be unlocked block-by-block (starting early Jan) over a period of 3 months.
Contact compliance@darkfusion.io to continue with KYC.
Airdrops and Token giveaways are subject to Compliance. *Terms and Conditions Apply.
Social Campaign
The off-chain social campaign will launch Monday, 11th of December to our community directly on Telegram and Twitter, and it’ll run until the end of March 2024.
There will be 400,000 DFG available to the community to earn over the duration of the airdrop. After the 28th of February, users will be able to claim their airdrop which will be distributed over 3 months (block by block).